Below are resources, tools, and fun sites that I frequent! I'll update this page whenever I find something new that I want to share.

- Purdue OWL Writing Lab - A resource for writing information, citation, et cetera. Very useful!
- Citation Machine - As the title implies – a citation machine, because I’m simply too lazy to write citations by hand.
- Plagiarism Checker - A free plagiarism checker.
- WorldCat - Extensive book catalogue. Great for finding sources!
- Z-Lib - A great online library. Includes textbooks and other essential readings of the academic calibre.
- Library of Congress - The official website of the Library of Congress. I think it would be cool to work here one day…
- Chronicling America - A website created by the Library of Congress that seeks to preserve and catalogue American newspapers, dating all the way back to 1777.

- uBlock Origin - A really good ad blocker! Linked is the chrome web store version.
- Internet Archive - The link to a worldwide web that no longer exists – the “Wayback Machine!”
- Gifcities Archive - Companion website to the Internet Archive. Catalogues free gifs from websites no longer in use.
- Blinkies Cafe - Website with customizable blinkies.

- Radio Garden - Live radio broadcasts, all over the world.
- Radiooooo - Radio broadcasts from different places in different eras. Similar to Radio Garden, but with a little less variety station-wise.
- Melonking.net - Just a neat website. The creator of GifyPet (beloved Cosmo that graces my main page) and a lot of other cool stuff.
- Google Earth - It’s Google Earth. I just like “walking around.”
- Poetry Foundation - A large online collection of poems.
- Coasterpedia - Wiki dedicated to cataloguing information about rollercoasters! Really fun to read through.
- Worldle - Like Wordle, but you have to guess the country. See also: Globle